Welcome To The Cleanish Movement's Fitness Library! Below, You'll Find Links To Various Workouts. Choose A Workout Based On Your Current Fitness Level And Interests.
For Training Guidelines, Definitions, And Further Information, Scroll To The Bottom Of This Page
I recommend tracking your workouts using the Strong Fitness App- it will allow you to track your progress and input your unique workouts.
Pay attention to your body and how it feels. Focus on contraction and execution with each set.
Get your body ready before diving into working sets. I recommend at least 2 warm up sets before heavy movements.
Each set is taken to failure, nothing less. Reps are recommended, but are suggestions.
Choose weight based on reps and execute them until failure. Failure is when you are not able to complete another rep!!
If you finish a set and you could’ve done more, add more weight, and redo it.
Always stay in control of the weight. You should never be flailing or squirming to get the weight moving. Control every inch of the movement with the targeted muscles. If you’re unable to with the weight, drop down to a lower weight where you can. It’s more important to complete the movement in a controlled manner than it is to lift a heavier weight.
If you don’t know what an exercise is, feel free to ask me or you can always Google it and watch example videos.
- DB: Dumbbell
- BB: Barbell
- AMRAP: As many reps as possible.
- PR: Personal record
- 1 RM: One rep max. The most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements. This is how you would define your PR.
- Top Set: This should be approximately 85% of your 1RM for AMRAP.
- Back Down Set: Back the weight off 20% from top set weight for AMRAP.